We are pleased to report that the Adventist Church Accounting System (ACAS) is now live, replacing the old Tithes and Offerings system!  Commencing development in May 2021, the new system, went live after 18 months of development in November 2022.  During that time Adventist Technology supplied between 4 and 7 of our own team fully engaged in the project at any given time, including roles from product ownership, development, testing, and project management.  We also used software developers from an external company that helped to guide us in architectural matters and provide us with flexible development capacity.

What was really exciting during the project was the level of support and engagement from Conference staff in testing and in managing their church treasurers to make the changes as seamlessly as possible. The results of this effort ensured that the most churches continued working in the system with minimal disruption during the changeover.  Huge thanks go to Conference support staff for their efforts in managing, training and supporting their churches during migration.  We also appreciated the significant investment of their time in the months leading up to go live to make sure all data was migrating appropriately and helping us test various elements of the new system. This has a long project thus far, but it’s important to note that it is not yet complete. The initial go live was the direct replacement of T&O, phase 1.  We are not in a cycle of bug fix and minor enhancements, expecting early to mid 2023 to proceed to phase 2 for more significant improvements.

Adventist Technology, a department of the South Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists. 148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga NSW 2076
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